Symptoms & Treatment Of Dry Eye

Symptoms & Treatment Of Dry Eye

Tears lubricate and provide moisture to your eye. Lacrimal glands, located on the inside of your eyelids, are responsible for the production of tears. When these glands fail to produce enough tears, you suffer from dry eye syndrome. This syndrome is also called dry eye disease (DED). You can also suffer from this syndrome if your tears evaporate quickly. If left untreated, prolonged dry eye syndrome can lead to serious complications. However, this syndrome rarely causes blindness. Therefore, it is good to understand the causes of dry eye and how best to prevent and treat them.

Tips For Getting Deals On Jewelry

Tips For Getting Deals On Jewelry

Do you want to buy jewelry but don't know where to start? Have no fear; we have you covered! This post will give you the tips and tricks needed for saving money on your next jewelry purchase. Whether it is a necklace, earrings, or bracelet, these five tips will help guide you in the right direction.

14 Common MS Symptoms

14 Common MS Symptoms

Multiple sclerosis, also called MS is considered an autoimmune disease. This is where a person’s immune system mistakenly attacks some bodily system and causes illness. In the case of MS, the sheath that protects the patient's nerve cells is attacked and may be gradually destroyed. The sheaths are made of a substance called myelin, which is made up of fats and proteins. When nerves are protected by their myelin sheath, they can easily send and receive signals from other nerves. These signals allow bodily systems, from the eyes to the muscles to the central nervous system to the digestive tract work the way they should.

A Good Time For Tree Trimming

A Good Time For Tree Trimming

The cold and freezing winds and frigid temps make many hesitant to go outside to do normal tree trimming in winter. But in many ways, cold weather is the best time to trim your trees. Without the mass of leaves to obstruct the view, the appearance and shape of the tree is much clearer. When trimming a tree during winter, consider the following things before you start. <p> </p> The first thing you will need to do is to make sure your tree is free from debris and leaves/needles before it's time to trim.

Diet Dos and Don'ts to Help with IBS

Diet Dos and Don'ts to Help with IBS

IBS is a frustrating condition that causes inflammation of the intestines, resulting in pain, bloating, gas, and diarrhea, and constipation. Many factors can impact IBS symptoms, including diet, stress reduction, and some medications. While it’s important to talk to your doctor about how to best manage your symptoms, making changes to your diet can have a tremendous impact on your day to day IBS pain.

Eating Disorders - What You Can Do

Eating Disorders - What You Can Do

Contrary to popular media depictions, people struggling with Eating Disorders (ED) come in all shapes and sizes, but one thing unites them all: they need to get out of the disorder. Eating disorders can consume you with cyclical thoughts and obsessive behaviors, as well as leading to serious health problems such as malnutrition and heart failure. They function as a form of self-harm and make it difficult to experience and engage in daily life.

5 Symptoms Of GERD & How To Treat Them

5 Symptoms Of GERD & How To Treat Them

Gastroesophageal reflux disease, commonly known as GERD, is a digestive disease that affects the lower esophageal sphincter (LES). LES is a ring of muscle found between the stomach and the esophagus. Under normal circumstances, the LES relaxes and opens every time you swallow, and afterward, it tightens and closes. If your LES does not tighten and close properly after you swallow, you will experience contents from your stomach moving back up to the esophagus.

Remedies for an Overactive Bladder

Remedies for an Overactive Bladder

Getting the signal to go to the bathroom more frequently and urgently than normal can be a symptom of an overactive bladder, triggering an involuntary loss of urine, known as incontinence. A healthy bladder signals the brain when it is almost full, but a bathroom trip isn't necessary right away. A healthy bladder also completely empties itself when urination is complete. The muscles inside the bladder are strong, and when the healthy bladder is empty, it stays relaxed.

Preventing Osteoporosis

Preventing Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a bone condition that the average person usually does not think about when taking efforts to remain healthy. In fact, this condition is not often a realization until it has caused damage. Despite its potential damage, it is possible to prevent osteoporosis even when development is likely in the future. Many prevention methods of other conditions, such as diet and exercise, can be customized to include extra measures to target osteoporosis and ideal bone health.

How To Deal With The Debilitating Effects of A Migraine

How To Deal With The Debilitating Effects of A Migraine

Millions of people every year suffer from the unpleasant and often paralyzing effects of migraines. Most commonly affecting women, migraines typically manifest between the ages of 18 and 44, although anyone of any age can get them. Differentiated from headaches by their severity and the presence of additional symptoms, migraines can make doing everyday tasks almost unbearable, leaving sufferers unable to function for long periods of time.